You may have wondered exactly what we mean by our message, “you can be the change.”

Not only is “you can be the change” our slogan; it is also a powerful message that we share on many of our t-shirts in The Just Bee Apparel online store.

These words manifested to help us always remind our visitors of the power within. We wanted to create an online community space that would allow us numerous opportunities to share messages of positivity, love, health and healing, strength, and more.

As we’ve mentioned before, The Just Bee Company is all about you! Explore our “Live the Message” section and learn about the different areas that we feel passionate about sharing information. You will see these same areas represented throughout our site through messages, discussion, or in our Just Bee Apparel store.

As we find information that allows us to share messages of power, we send it right along to you–our visitors and supporters, who also help form our “company”. Remember that the word, “company” in our name was never mean’t to represent a business. Instead, it supports a group of people who resonate with the messages promoted throughout our site. Through our messages, we hope to create an each-one-teach-one, along with an each-one-take-action movement. This is what we mean by “you being the change”. The power is, and has always been in your hands. You hold the power whenever you feel it necessary to manifest change within self, others, or the environment.


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